The Swedish Agricultural Agency and the State Veterinary Institute (SVA) will, among other things, investigate whether the reindeer herd grazed in the county and how, in such cases, they came into contact with reindeer in Väserbotten.

In such cases, the reindeer must have been in the county during the winter grazing.

There is then a risk that infectious agents of wasting disease, CDW, may be present in Västerbotten.

The disease attacks the brain and, according to Grip Hansson, it is called wasting disease because all the organs in the body, among other things, cause the reindeer to not graze as it should and start to move strangely.

Comprehensive measures may become relevant

- It is believed that animals from the same herd as this reindeer have been in Västerbotten.

But we will see if the investigation shows that it is this way or not, says Annelie Grip Hansson, county veterinarian, to SVT.

- It can be problematic if we are unlucky, she says and indicates a series of measures that may be relevant if it turns out that the infection may have affected animals in Västerbotten.

Hear in the clip which restrictions may apply in that case.