Solvallen in Vässlingby is located on road 249, just north of Fellingsbro in Lindesberg municipality and is being built on behalf of Linde Energi.

On Wednesday morning, the work in progress was shown.

Piling for the racks that form holders for the solar panels has been going on for about a week and a total of 1,300 panels are to be mounted on them.

The facility covers an area of ​​just over one hectare.

- Sweden needs more electricity and we thought about how we can contribute.

We cannot build a nuclear power plant, but a solar park.

We found a good piece of land here in Fellingsbro, but it is used and we wanted to find a solution.

How can you get together and then it became this, which will also be a research project, says Jens Isemo, CEO at Linde energi.

When the facility is commissioned, it should be able to produce approximately 650,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year.

This corresponds to electricity for 130 typical households with household electricity (that are not heated with electricity) per year.