Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 12th, title: "Protect the city's historical and cultural heritage like cherishing your own life"

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Qiuyun and Zhang Manzi

  Hutongs and courtyard houses, as typical cultural symbols, have witnessed the changes of Beijing, a thousand-year-old ancient city, and its survival and development have always attracted attention.

  On February 25, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Yuer Hutong next to Yuhe River in Beijing, and walked into the No. 29 and No. 30 Dazayuan successively.

The general secretary said: "I am very familiar with this hutong. I came here today to see the old neighborhood and hear everyone's thoughts on the renovation of the old city."

  In order to develop the old city, the life of the residents needs to be improved urgently.

How to not only meet the expectations of the old neighbors for a better life, but also preserve the cultural memory of the city and continue the historical context?

General Secretary Xi Jinping has profound thoughts.

  During his inspection on February 25, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Beijing is a world-famous ancient capital, and its rich historical and cultural heritage is a golden business card. It is the responsibility of the capital to inherit and protect this precious historical and cultural heritage. The spirit of being responsible to history and the people inherits the historical context.

  "We must protect the city's historical and cultural heritage like we cherish our own lives." General Secretary Xi Jinping said firmly.

  "Hutongs and courtyards are the representatives of traditional northern dwellings, as well as the city's culture, and have important protection value. Beijing Hutongs and the construction of Yuan Dadu were born together. From alleys to alleys, they are distributed vertically and horizontally on a chessboard, forming the skeleton of the old city. and blood," said Zhang Yue, director of the Beijing Institute of Ancient Architecture Design.

  A series of measures to protect the texture of hutongs and courtyards have been implemented in the ancient capital in an orderly manner: the "Beijing Urban Master Plan (2016-2035)" was issued, which made it clear that the old city could not be demolished. Guarantee as much as possible; implement the newly revised "Regulations on the Protection of Beijing's Famous Historical and Cultural Cities" to maintain the authenticity of historical and cultural heritage, the integrity of historical features, the continuity of social life, and the diversity of urban functions...

  "In order to retain the taste of the old house, many missing old components in the building are no longer simply replaced, but specially collected traditional materials, and repaired with traditional techniques according to the characteristics of the hutong." Beijing is responsible for the Yuer Hutong renovation project site. Zheng Tianshen, an engineer of the Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., said with emotion, "In the past, I often repaired buildings, but this time, I feel that I am repairing the city, repairing its civilization foundation, and soothing the city's soul."

  With the restoration of the architectural style and regulatory pattern in the old alleys, the long-held memory of the ancient capital is slowly awakening, and the charm of "the secluded house in the old alley" has returned.

  In the courtyard of No. 30 Yuer Hutong, the old resident Chong Baocai sat under the walnut tree in the small courtyard, and counted the autumn vines, winter snow, spring rain, summer lotus in the small courtyard... It is a good situation all year round.

  More than 30 years ago, when Chongbaocai’s family of three moved into the No. 30 courtyard, 14 households lived in the courtyard of about 300 square meters.

  "After years of restoration and renovation, the warmth of our courtyard has returned. The private shed has disappeared, and the courtyard has become a Chinese-style courtyard that I have always envied. The sun shines in the house, and my heart is bright." The 71-year-old The wrinkles on the old man's face stretched, and a smile appeared.

  In February 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again walked into a Beijing Hutong.

In the four alleys of Caochang in Qianmen East District, the general secretary said: "Where are the traditional cultural characteristics of Beijing? It is the hutongs. If all the hutongs in Beijing disappear and become high-rise buildings, how can we remember nostalgia? We are engaged in modernization, In order to preserve this cultural heritage, and to allow Hutong residents to live a modern life, we must combine the two well.”

  Blue bricks and gray tiles, couplets of Zhumen, old stone patterns, and sparse flowers and trees.

In the four alleys of Caochang, every brick and tile is telling the changes of the ancient capital.

  "Poems and books cultivate morality, Lin Feng Zhenjia's voice" "Rong virtue is great, no deception is self-assured" "Deyi Yuanhong, Lu Lu Sui thick"... The couplets engraved on the courtyard gate contain the Chinese nation unique cultural genes.

Li Caixian, a resident of Caochang Hutong, listed these couplets and proudly said: "These family traditions and family mottos are the best 'talismans' for children to grow up." In addition to couplets, there are also carved brick walls, door hairpins and door piers, and window lattices in the hutong. Ventilation... The traditional imprint brings life to the house.

  The changes in Yuer Hutong and Caochang area are just a microcosm.

Today, a number of old alleys, such as Dongxicha Hutong, Cultivation Hutong, Zhuzhong Hutong, and others at the entrance of Baita Temple Palace have changed.

According to statistics, since 2017, the environment of more than 3,900 back streets and alleys in Beijing has been improved as a whole.

Climb up Jingshan Mountain in Beijing and overlook the whole city. Hundreds of alleys criss-cross, ancient charm and new appearance coexist. Historical and cultural carriers such as former residences of celebrities, theater halls, century-old brands, and intangible cultural heritage museums are dotted, and the culture of the ancient capital flows. .

  Spring grass grows, autumn leaves fall, and the rich cultural atmosphere of hutongs and courtyards has accumulated over the years.

"As a member of the hutong, I want to protect and inherit the human touch and culture here with the children as if I cherish life." Chong Baocai said.