Since the 2018 election, the SD has been the second largest party in Ronneby, with a master role in the municipal council.

But in connection with this year's election, the party's group leader Nicolas Westrup (SD) has given unclear information regarding whether the party wants to continue as wave master, or instead demand to be part of a board.

During Tuesday evening, a meeting was therefore held in the party's new council group, to make a decision about the party's role for the next four years.

When SVT reaches Nicolas Westrup after the meeting, he announces that the party is no longer satisfied with the wave master role, but instead wants to be part of a board.

- It is the absolute best way to get our policy across, he says.

Want to see rule with M, KD and L

Since the 2018 election, Ronneby has been governed in a minority by an alliance consisting of the Moderates, the Christian Democrats, the Liberals and the Center Party, of which the latter announced that they do not want to govern together with SD.

Westrup tells SVT that he hopes for a collaboration with M, KD and L.

- Even without C, we have a majority in the municipal council, he says.

The text is updated.