Green light to the Aid bis decree, pending its conversion to the Senate today and the subsequent passage to the Chamber, expected for Thursday.

The presidents of the Budget and Finance commissions of Palazzo Madama have announced the long-awaited "white smoke". 

Among the novelties, the extension of smart working until the end of the year.

For the frail and parents of children up to 14 years, there is an extension until 31 December of the right to smart working which had expired in the summer and had not entered the original provision, pushed by Minister Orlando.

The rules governing smart working are the same in force until 31 July: it must be compatible with the characteristics of the professional service and - as regards the parents of children under 14 - in the family there must not already be a parent who does not work or who receives one or more social safety nets, such as layoffs.

These two categories from August 1st are deprived of a legislative protection that allows them to resort to smart working.

With the parliamentary process of the Aid decree bis, the Minister of Labor,

Andrea Orlando had announced a reintroduction of the measure, which was not renewed in the summer due to coverage problems.

For this extension, the resources will come from the Social Employment Fund of the Ministry of Labor and the estimated cost is about 18.6 million euros.

The agreement on the amendment to the superbonus has finally been found, after the stalemate of recent days.

The amendment establishes that joint and several liability in the assignment of the credits of the building bonuses and superbonus is configured only if the participation in the violation occurs "with willful misconduct or gross negligence".

Furthermore, for credits arising before the obligations (introduced with the decree of November 2021) for the acquisition of compliance visas, sworn statements and certifications, on subjects other than banks, financial intermediaries and insurance companies, joint and several liability will be limited to cases of willful misconduct and gross negligence, but it will still be necessary to acquire the certification documentation "now by then".

And then there is the chapter on funds to tackle the energy emergency and support families.

The following were approved: the extension to the last months of the social bonus for electricity and gas (with the expansion of the ISEE to 12 thousand euros), the introduction of special rates for "vulnerable" customers, the freezing of unilateral changes to supply contracts until next May, the elimination of system charges for the fourth quarter and 5% VAT on gas, a new round of tax credits for energy-intensive and gas-intensive companies but also not, the fuel bonus in agriculture and fishing, for transport services and the extension of the discount on petrol excise duties (later extended again by interministerial decree to 5 October).

Among other measures, the exemption of fringe benefits assigned to employees is extended for 2022.

The sums paid by employers for the payment of domestic water, electricity and gas can also enter the new overall ceiling of 600 euros excluded from the taxable amount.

But the interventions also extend to other forms of support for families and businesses.

In fact, for the second half of 2022, the exemption on the share of social security contributions for invalidity, old age and survivors dependent on the worker is strengthened: the Budget law had introduced it to 0.8%, the dl brings it to 2%.

Then there is the extension of the one-off indemnity of 200 euros and a double extraordinary intervention to counter the negative effects of inflation and support the purchasing power of pensions: the adjustment for the calculation of equalization is brought forward to 1 November 2022;

for each of the months of October, November and December 2022 (thirteenth included), if the monthly pension does not exceed a total of 2,692 euros,