In 2014, Apple announced its intention to produce a fully self-driving car powered by electric power, and projections indicate that this car will enter actual production by 2025.

This intention was revealed by the CEO of the American company, Tim Cook, in statements in which he hinted at entering the world of cars with an advanced self-driving car, but without revealing any clear plans regarding this process or talking about the approach that the company will take with regard to production.

But before reaching the production stage, Apple must overcome many obstacles, including the lack of previous knowledge in the production of vehicles, as well as the company's lack of the production lines necessary to manufacture this car, unlike Tesla, which has many Experience.

Apple's futuristic car beat Tesla

Although there is still a long way to go for an Apple car to come out, the idea of ​​owning an Apple car has captured the attention of many, and opinions show that owning an Apple car - if produced - appears to be a more popular option than Tesla cars.

A survey conducted by StrategyVision and published by Businesswire, with 200,000 respondents, noted;

More than a quarter of respondents are willing to buy an Apple car, and more than half of Tesla owners would buy an Apple car.

The owners of Tesla cars surveyed preferred to get a car from "Apple" rather than buy a new one from Tesla.

Trust Apple Products

Apple relies on customers' trust in its products in terms of marketing, so many who buy the company's products return to buy new copies without hesitation.

Although there are still a few years left to present us with its new car, Apple is planning to make a major development on its “Car Play” system for vehicles, but the issue of enthusiasm and interest from car buyers with the upcoming car is of major relevance to what the company will offer in the future. It relates to the style and capability of the product and some other essential advantages.

So is the Apple brand and reputation it has built so far;

They give the company a solid foundation for its entry into the automotive world, and this gives a warning to major auto manufacturers that they should beware of what's ahead.

Based on all of the above, Apple will be highly dedicated and meticulous in its work on the production of the car and the process itself.

The CEO of Porsche hinted at a possible partnership between the two companies to produce the next Apple car, and other news indicated talks between Apple and Hyundai in this field.

Tesla puts the touchscreen in its Model 3 in a position within the driver's natural vision (Getty Images)

Disadvantages of Tesla cars

While Apple builds its production process on customers' trust, on the other hand, Tesla - which has popularized its brand in the field of electric cars - is not without flaws and gaps in the user experience.

We find in Tesla cars a lot of defects that push buyers to search for another alternative, including those related to luxuries and what is more dangerous than that and has to do with the safety of the driver and pedestrians.

Anyone who owns a new Tesla car knows how much the repairs will cost if they are not covered by insurance or the car warranty, and this is one of the reasons for the high insurance ceiling on these vehicles.

However, not everything Tesla offers in its cars is of poor quality, and there is a lot of evidence that the company uses lower quality materials, the longevity of car parts, the duration of the appearance of knocks, unwanted sounds, and other common problems.

Safety at Tesla

In the automotive world, there is a constant rule that says "Keep your eyes on the road", which is why the law punishes anyone who gets distracted for unimportant reasons.

In keeping with this law, all car manufacturers design their vehicles with driver and pedestrian safety in mind in the process, but Tesla seems to have a priority on technology.

Apple or Tesla?

Looking at the way the two companies work and how they reach and keep customers after that, and what we mentioned above from the problems with Tesla cars and what Apple may promise in its next car, it turns out that those who preferred to buy an Apple car and who might think about it stem their decision from their trust in the company and their hatred for the problems that Accompanying a Tesla.

No one wants to pay a large sum for a car to find it riddled with annoying problems and incurs the high costs of long-term use, while there are better solutions and at a much lower cost.

Given the confidence in Apple's products, drivers opting for their car, even though it hasn't seen the light yet, seems an understandable decision.