Mónica Oltra

wants to speed up the case that keeps her accused of the alleged cover-up of the

sexual abuse

committed by her ex-husband to a minor under guardianship and prevent new accusations from appearing in the coming weeks.

Her defense has requested in a letter to which EL MUNDO has had access that the court unify the popular accusations "under the same legal defense and procedural representation."

Oltra and 13 other officials are accused in a private capacity by the minor, Teresa, represented by the leader of Spain 2000,

José Luis Roberto

, and the popular accusation is exercised by the


association , chaired by Cristina Seguí, and last month of February




In fact, the

Popular Party

itself is waiting for the declaration of the former vice president to evaluate and if a person is involved in the case.

This would complicate the process and could lead to "undue delays" that complicate the possibility that

Compromís has opened up for Oltra.

of entering the lists if he obtains the file of the proceedings before the electoral ballot is completely closed.

That is, to avoid his return to active politics.

Mónica Oltra's lawyers argue their request in "the total coincidence between the different actions carried out, or in other words, in the existence of a

coincidence of interests


"There is no justification in the appearance that makes said joint action of the popular accusations impossible. To admit the opposite would be to allow an artificial constitution of the procedural legal relationship, with a real breach of the principle of equality of arms between the prosecution and the defense," they say.

This is not an unusual procedure, because it was applied in complex cases such as


, which ended with

Rafael Blasco

being sentenced twice in the judged pieces, and even in the

Nóos Case


However, according to sources consulted by this newspaper, neither Gobierna-te nor Vox have the intention of exercising the accusation in a collegiate manner.

In the event that Judge Vicente Ríos upheld Oltra's request and there was no agreement, Vox would be the one who would have to withdraw, since he entered with the process underway.

This option is remote, since the judge himself admitted the appearance of Santiago Abascal's party, without any objections between the parties, and paid his bail to exercise the popular accusation.

What this writing does entail is that other persons with the same interests as those already present in the case can be blocked, and that could be the case of the Popular Party, which continues without intervening in the judicial aspect of the case of the former vice president. , but it does maintain open political fronts such as the one brought to the

European Union

Petitions Commission.

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  • Cristina Segui

  • Justice

  • Monica Oltra