Today's survey from Novus shows the trend seen in several surveys recently, the Sweden Democrats are larger than the Moderates and become the second largest party after the Social Democrats.

SD receives support among voters of 21.2 percent in today's survey, M is at 17.1 percent and S reaches 30.3 percent.

Ulf Kristersson's (M) government foundation consisting of M, KD, L and SD receives 49.4 percent in the survey.

S-leader Magdalena Andersson's government base (S, V, MP and C) gets 49.7 percent in the survey.

The difference between the options is within the margin of error.

- Now this is a measurement and not an election result, but if SD were to be bigger than M and Magdalena Andersson's (S) side would get a majority, it would of course be a catastrophic result for the party that has been the second largest for decades, says Elisabeth Marmorstein, SVT's domestic political commentator.

She continues:

- However, it should be remembered that SD was larger than M in the last survey also in 2018, but on election night, M was just over two percentage points larger.

The difference now is that SD is part of a collaboration, in the last election they formed a third block.

"Last days important"

The Liberals and the Green Party end up above the Riksdag barrier with support of 5.2 and 4.5 percent respectively.

L's figure is assured while MP's is within the margin of error.

- It is still shaky, it is impossible to say how it will end.

According to this survey, the parties that support Magdalena Andersson as prime minister would receive 175 seats against 174 for Kristersson's side.

It's almost a dead race, which makes these last days very important, not least tonight's party leader debate, says Elisabeth Marmorstein.

SVT's final debate starts at 20.00, you can follow it on SVT1 and SVT Play.

SVT Nyheter reports live on the final debate all evening on the site.