Bacteria were discovered during random samples taken in the schools' sports halls by Uppsala municipality's environmental office.

- These are low levels, but we want the schools to investigate several parts of the water system.

Temperatures and stagnant water favor the growth of legionella, so you need to take measures to prevent it, explains Heike Kaden, inspector at the Environmental Administration.

Tiunda was also affected

According to Markus Haukkala, communications manager at Uppsala municipality's school properties, the showers will be closed indefinitely for both children and adults.

- We now need to review whether other measures should be taken.

Elevated levels of legionella have also been discovered recently at Tiundaskolan, and cleanup is underway there.

Skolfastighetsbolaget hopes that the showers can be opened shortly.

Legionella bacteria can cause Legionnaires' fever, a severe form of pneumonia, or Pontiac fever, a milder febrile illness.

The bacteria are not spread between people or by drinking contaminated water.

Instead, the bacteria are spread by inhaling water in aerosol form.

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