Since the 1979 election, the Moderates have always been the second largest party, but now something may have happened.

In several polls, the difference is as much as four percentage points to the Sweden Democrats.

Since the election campaign began in earnest, the polling institute Novus has published new surveys every day which show that SD is now the second largest party in public opinion.

Can the Moderates become bigger than the Sweden Democrats?

- Anything can happen and things can happen every day.

But if nothing happens, we are in a situation very similar to what we will have in the election, says Torbjörn Sjöström, CEO of Novus.

SD requires influence – and premises – according to size

It is not just because things are going well for the Sweden Democrats that makes them bigger than the Moderates.

Various voter polls show that it is also because the Moderates are doing poorly in public opinion, that they are firmly below the last election result of just under 20 percent.

The Sweden Democrats say they demand influence by size after the election.

But it also applies to which premises in the seat of power in the Riksdag that the party may demand.

See more about it in the clip above.