Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday that games have been played against Muslims all over the world for a while.

He added - in a speech during a meeting of the Justice and Development Party in Istanbul - "They divided Iraq in this way on the blood of two million people, and brought it to the brink of division again, and thus they divided Syria on the blood of a million people, and divided it, and they are still continuing the same games."

He continued, "From Yemen to Arakan, from Turkestan to the Balkans, and from Palestine to Afghanistan, plays of different appearances are being shown for the same purpose, and in our country they are seeking to carry out similar scenarios on sedition: Alawi Sunnis, Turkish-Kurdish, Ansar and Muhajireen."

Erdogan stressed that the Turks, through the silent revolutions that they carried out in the past 20 years, "established a democratic state of law that guarantees the rights and freedoms of every individual in the country, regardless of his beliefs, origin or sect."