William Molinié and Victor Chabert, edited by Gauthier Delomez 7:57 p.m., September 02, 2022

A demonstration of support for Imam Hassan Iquioussen, under a European arrest warrant to be deported to Morocco, is to be held this Saturday at 3 p.m. in Paris.

For the moment, the intelligence services do not anticipate large crowds, although this gathering is pointed out by some politicians.

Under the influence of a European arrest warrant, Imam Hassan Iquioussen, who must be expelled to Morocco, would have taken refuge in Belgium and remains untraceable for the time being.

In this context, the association Muslim Perspectives calls for a demonstration of support on Saturday in Paris against "the Islamophobia of the State".

For the time being, no order prohibiting this gathering has been taken by the new police chief, Laurent Nunez.


- Imam Iquioussen: why did Morocco suspend its consular pass?

According to information from Europe 1, this event was declared in the rules in the middle of the week.

It was filed in the prefecture with a specific location, Place de la République, and the 3 p.m. time.

No significant crowds anticipated by intelligence

For the moment, the feedback from the intelligence services does not foresee a significant influx: a few dozen people, perhaps a hundred, but nothing very threatening in terms of public order.

The number of mobile forces units mobilized this weekend in the capital is fairly standard for a back-to-school weekend.

However, as always in these calls to demonstrate shared on social networks, everything can be played in the last hours.

Several Islamist preachers or influencers, as the intelligence services call them, relayed this call to demonstrate signed by this mysterious collective, Muslim Perspectives.

A call "to say no to the expulsion of Imam Hassan Iquioussen and against state Islamophobia".

>> Find Europe evening weekend in replay and podcast here

"Annoying for national cohesion", says Valérie Boyer

This semantics is not new.

The supposed state Islamophobia was agitated by leaders of religious associations, community activists, throughout the presidential campaign.

Moreover, several individuals in the sights of intelligence have publicly indicated their desire to go this Saturday to this demonstration.

A rally that is pointed out by part of the political class.

At the microphone of Europe 1, the Republican senator Valérie Boyer asks for her ban.

"I do not even understand how such a demonstration can be authorized or tolerated, at the very moment when the Minister of the Interior (Gérald Darmanin) is delighted with the flight of the imam to Belgium", she says.

“We authorize a demonstration to support someone who makes homophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-feminist, anti-Republican remarks”, lists the senator, who concludes: “It is particularly embarrassing for national cohesion and for national security.