Another day of terror in Kabul.

In the Afghan capital, back in the hands of the Taliban since last August, at least 25 students lost their lives in the three explosions that occurred near the Hazara community boys' school, Abdurahim Shahid High School, with more than 16,000 students in the western part of the city.

This was reported by local media and the NGO Afghanistan Rights Watch.        

According to local media, everything points to an attack even if no claims have been received yet.

The area where the explosions took place, the pan-Arab broadcaster

Al Jazeera

specified , is often hit by attacks by Islamic fundamentalist groups and subject to discriminatory policies by the Taliban, who currently govern the country.

Witnesses quoted by the broadcaster


reported that the explosions occurred as the students were leaving school.



reported on


that its hospital in the city has already received ten injured, all between 16 and 19 years old.

"Another victim died on arrival," the tweet specifies.

"We are outraged and strongly condemn the attack on a high school that occurred today in Kabul. We are deeply saddened to learn that children have been injured and could lose their lives in the explosions," said Chris Nyamandi, director. by

Save the Children

in Afghanistan, commenting on the news of the attack.

"All children have the right to access safe education. No school - he added - should be deliberately targeted and no child should fear for his safety while in or on his way to schools. Children in Afghanistan have endured years of violence. Today's explosions follow the weekend attacks in which five of them lost their lives. The killing or mutilation of minors, as well as attacks on schools, are simply unacceptable, always, and are prohibited by international law ".