• Politics The PSC seeks a clip with ERC to isolate JxCat

Less than a year before the municipal elections, in which the independence parties are vying for hundreds of mayors in Catalonia, ERC and JxCat have intensified their perennial internal tension despite the fact that they form the coalition in the Generalitat.

In recent weeks, the two nationalist parties have exchanged reproaches after the suspension of

Laura Borràs,

president of JxCat, as president of the


after the decision of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) to prosecute her for corruption.

The measure did not sit well with the party of former Catalan president

Carles Puigdemont

, who does not miss an opportunity to attack his Esquerra partners.

This tension will mark the beginning of the political course in Catalonia.

Next Thursday, September 1, the Parliament will resume its activity with the convocation of a Table and Board of Spokespersons to debate the reconsideration of the suspension of Laura Borràs as president of the Catalan chamber.

It is a proposal from JxCat that considers that the decision of the Table of last July 28 to suspend Borràs should be re-study and debated since he will sit on the bench of the accused for the alleged division of contracts when he directed the

a Institution of Catalan Letters.

In this procedure, the Prosecutor's Office requests six years in prison for the president of the Parliament for the crimes of administrative prevarication and falsehood in a public document.

In addition, she claims that she be disqualified from holding public office for the next 21 years and a fine of 144,000 euros.

The trial against Borràs could be held in the first quarter of 2023, according to judicial sources, so Borràs would continue until then to defend that his accusation is a "political persecution" and not for corruption, in addition to considering that he is "innocent of what is He accuses me. I have not committed any crime and I plan to continue fighting until exhaustion to prove my innocence."

With this argument, JxCat makes the Parliamentary Table ugly by applying article 25.4 of the Catalan chamber's regulations to Borràs, which establishes that a deputy must be suspended when an oral trial is opened for a crime related to corruption.

However, Laura Borràs and her party consider that this crime cannot be applied to her since she believes that her fundamental rights and the presumption of innocence are violated.

That is why they have requested the reconsideration of its suspension, although in the sovereigntist formation there are those who ask to go further.

This is the case of the Minister of Social Rights of the Generalitat,

Violant Cervera

(Junts), who asked the parliamentary groups for a reflection to remove article 25.4 from the chamber's regulations, considering that it is "unconstitutional" since it violates the presumption of innocence.

"It seriously undermines the rule of law, because it assumes that a person is guilty before being tried," Cervera told Europa Press, adding that "it violates the individual rights of any citizen, which is that they are innocent until proven otherwise. ".

break the government

Borràs's suspension marked a turning point among the Govern's partners.

The president of the Generalitat,

Pere Aragonès

, and other ERC officials summoned JxCat to seek a replacement at the head of the Parliament with the proposal of another deputy to avoid this interim situation.

They disassociate the judicial process of Borràs from the sovereignist cause and disfigure JxCat who considers it a "political persecution".

"Mixing a trial for corruption with the fight for the independence of Catalonia, from my point of view, is not acceptable: beyond the rhetoric, there are the facts," Aragonès said a few weeks ago.

His party will vote against reconsidering the former president's suspension.

Given this decision, voices have appeared within JxCat to break the Government.

Several officials have requested an internal consultation in which the militancy is urged if it is convenient to continue with ERC at the head of the Generalitat, although the proximity of the municipal elections, in which numerous positions of Puigdemont's party are at stake to continue in the town halls , stops any drastic action: After these elections, the pro-independence forces may be needed to form local government coalitions.

There are also those within JxCat who are committed to greater leadership from its general secretary,

Jordi Turull

, more so taking into account the negative impact on the image of Borràs greeting the people who boycotted the minute of silence for the victims of 17-A in The Rambla.

If there is a conviction against the president of JxCat, Turull could assume the leadership of his party despite the fact that for the moment he continues with the official position of the formation and refuses to appoint a substitute for Borràs at the head of the Parlament as requested by ERC.

"sterile" dialogue

In addition, the dialogue table that the Republicans lead with the Government of Pedro Sánchez is another point of friction between ERC and JxCat.

Borràs assured that these negotiations are "sterile" and even "counterproductive" for the independence movement and is committed to a "confrontation" with the State without specifying.

Everything indicates that JxCat will try to take electoral advantage of the most radical secessionism, such as the one that demonstrated on La Rambla and then before the headquarters of the European Union in Barcelona on 17-A, linking the attacks to "the sewers" of the State.

That is why a part of JxCat trusts the leadership of Borràs who for the moment has the support of Puigdemont although they look suspiciously at ERC and how it has managed to win the battle of the more moderate independence movement that in the long run can open the keys to numerous Catalan town halls.

On the prowl is the PSC.

The Socialists want to transfer to the Generalitat the formula that keeps them in the Government and that is why the leader of the party in Catalonia,

Salvador Illa

, offered to unblock the current conflict between ERC and JxCat to find a new president of the Parliament, in addition to tending shake hands with Republicans to pass budgets.

The socialist intention is a possible new reissue of the tripartite, counting the 'commons', which governed the Generalitat between 2003 and 2010, despite the fact that it ended abruptly.

They consider that in this way a type of radical independence movement, embodied in JxCat, would be removed, which makes it difficult to manage the day-to-day of Catalan politics in the Generalitat and the Parliament since it generates tension to obtain electoral revenue.

However, Esquerra rejects this possibility.

The Minister of the Presidency of the Generalitat,

Laura Vilagrà,

stated that they maintain governance with Junts.

"ERC always complies with the pacts. The pact we signed grants the presidency of the Parliament to Junts and therefore we want to respect it," said the minister, despite the fact that she stressed that "the interim that exists at the moment does not make sense" since "there is no It favors the institution and that is why we appeal for this relief and change, that it be done as soon as possible".

ERC also does not count on the socialists to approve the 2023

Generalitat Budgets

and is committed to continuing with the agreement with JxCat and seeking majorities with 'commons' and the CUP, despite the rejection shown by the anti-capitalists to the current Government.

It remains to be seen if the tension within the members of the Generalitat does not lead to the exploration of new ways of governability in Catalonia.

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  • CKD

  • Laura Borras

  • cup

  • PSC

  • Barcelona

  • European Union

  • Pedro Sanchez

  • Pardons