Updated Monday, August 29, 2022-13:10

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Water is an essential element in our lives.

Human beings can go weeks without eating, but without water they can barely last a few days.

The need for hydration, however, is not the only reason for water consumption.

A balanced diet needs it as one of its pillars.

However, the physical needs of the body are not met in the same way with some waters as with others.

Neither do the tastes.

The waters, depending on their origin, have some properties or others as well as one flavor or another.

There are three main categories in which to frame them: we can talk about natural, filtered and tap mineral water.

Natural mineral water is the one that arises from the filtration of rain through different geological strata until its accumulation in a spring or aquifer.

In this way, it is where it acquires its mineral composition and it is what makes each natural mineral water unique, with a specific and characteristic flavor without filtering or chemical treatments for its consumption.

It is an important legal requirement that its packaging is produced near the place where it is extracted so that it does not lose any of its properties.

In the case of Solán de Cabras, the distance is barely 100 meters from the source of the spring.

Its mineral composition has an optimal proportion of calcium and magnesium that ensures the absorption of other minerals and proper hydration.

Also a slightly alkaline pH which, together with its low sodium content, makes it a weakly mineralized water indicated for low-sodium diets and preparation of baby food.

That unique content is accompanied by a continent to match.

The blue of the bottle acts as a protector against possible changes in its composition due to the incidence of light.

A work carried out by the spring in a natural way when the liquid is underground.

There are just over 2,000 registered springs in Spain.

Our country is the fourth producer of natural mineral water in Europe and is among the five Europeans and 10 in the world that drinks the most bottled water with 129 liters per person per year according to a recent study by the European Union.

Mineral Waters are one of the most regulated food products in terms of food safety and quality.

Strict control protocols are followed in its packaging process, in order to protect its original purity and keep all its properties and natural characteristics unaltered.

The industry carries out more than 300 daily analyzes so that the mineral waters reach the consumer just as they are extracted at the foot of the spring.

Natural Mineral Water is a food product regulated by specific and very strict legislation.

So much so, that very few waters can qualify as "natural mineral".

Tap water

However, and entering the second type of water, tap water, depending on the region, there are many types with very different flavors and qualities.

If we stay with the last report of the Organization of Consumers and Users, Burgos, San Sebastián and Las Palmas are, in this order, where the three best drinking water in Spain are located for the organization.

Tap water needs several treatments in the water treatment plants to eliminate its microbiological contamination as it is stored for a long time in the different reservoirs of the Spanish geography.

Although, in the case of coastal cities, it is also extracted from the sea, so another process would have to be added to obtain it, such as desalination.

Within tap water, another type is becoming fashionable, especially in restaurants.

We are talking about filtered water, which is nothing more than tap water that passes through a specific filter and then is packaged in personalized bottles of the establishment in question.

Usually there is a cost and it is not small.

These filters, which are usually by osmosis, remove limescale and impurities, but do not give the product any property that it does not have when it comes out of the tap.

The options are diverse when choosing one water or another, but it is often said that natural mineral water is more than just water, it is food.

An affirmation that is based on the natural incorporation of the different minerals that our body possesses to improve its well-being.

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This text has been developed by UE Studio, a creative branded content and content marketing firm from Unidad Editorial, for SOLÁN DE CABRAS.

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