Electricity prices have risen sharply in Europe recently.

Among other things, the high costs of coal and gas are behind this, something that also affects prices in southern Sweden in particular.  

The summer electricity price has been record high with historic price peaks, and households throughout Sweden can expect that electricity prices will continue to rise sharply during the autumn and winter.

"An exceptional situation"

If you look at the coming winter half year, electricity prices are twice as high in electricity areas 1 and 2 and roughly four times as high in electricity areas 3 and 4, compared to last winter half year. 

- It is an exceptional situation we have now and there is a big risk that the prices will be even higher if it gets cold and the Russian gas decreases, says Arne Bergvik. 

- Prices have risen almost constantly and we have never seen anything like it.

This will have far-reaching consequences and lead to reduced consumption and efficiency, he says.

"We are worried"

The fact that electricity prices have skyrocketed is something to worry about.

In December last year, Anna Eduards, 47, received an electricity bill of SEK 20,000 - this year it risks getting much worse. 

- That this bill could be more than twice as expensive this year is hard to think about, she says and continues: 

- We are worried and talk about it all the time.

Last winter there were neighbors who didn't want to say what their electricity bill was because they were ashamed. 

At the same time, she says they tried to prepare for the winter's electric shock.  

- We have changed the heat pump, but we haven't noticed any major difference yet.

This winter we will burn as much as we can to keep the house warm, says Anna Eduards.

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Joakim Ambrossan expects that his investment in the house's electricity supply will pay for itself within ten years.