• Politics Sánchez will not call Feijóo to negotiate despite the seriousness of the crisis

  • Government Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz will compete to revitalize the left with two parallel 'listening processes'

The president of the Popular Party and leader of the opposition, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, this Saturday urged the chief executive, Pedro Sánchez, to take advantage of the start of the political course to appear in the Senate and for both to debate "the enormous difficulties" that our country is facing in the coming months as a result of "runaway inflation".

"Let's appear and talk, let's reflect and understand each other", the leader of the


ones has launched to Sánchez this Saturday, during the opening ceremony of the political course of the formation, celebrated, as is tradition, in the Carballeira de San Xusto, in Cerdedo- Cotobade (Pontevedra), where he has been accompanied by all the regional presidents of the PP and its executive leadership.

An act that has been attended by more than 1,000 people, according to the organization, and that has served the formation to demand greater "coordination" from La Moncloa with the territories, the city councils and the parties that form the opposition.

"In private we don't talk. In public [the ministers] are giving everything to attack me," Feijóo explained to emphasize the lack of dialogue between the Executive and the opposition, as well as the continuous insults that various ministers are launching in order to discredit the popular leader's refusal of the savings plan designed by Sánchez.

A toxic dynamic for Spain that proves, in the eyes of the president of the PP, that the Council of Ministers is dedicated to making opposition while the PP is the one who calls for understanding and launches proposals.

"The roles have been reversed," said Feijóo, who has laid the foundations to seize La Moncloa from the PSOE: "Work, proposals and education."

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  • Alberto Nunez Feijoo

  • Isabel Diaz Ayuso

  • Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla

  • Fernando Lopez Miras

  • Alfonso Rueda

  • Alfonso Fernandez Manueco