The three were arrested after a car chase, what the police call "follow-up", on Hisingen in Gothenburg shortly after the drama outside the high school.

One of them was later released while the other two were arrested, suspected of serious assault.

- The case will be drawn on a prosecutor during the day today.

Then the prosecutor has a couple of days to decide whether he will ask for them to be detained, says police spokesperson Thomas Fuxborg.

One is still being cared for

The one of the boys hit who was slightly injured has been allowed to leave the hospital.

- He is considered fully treated, while the other - whose condition was described as stable - remains in the hospital with an unchanged injury status, says Tomas Fuxborg.

The police connect the incident to the criminal environment in Gothenburg.

In the clip below, you can hear the witness Magnus Berg tell what he saw outside Burgården's high school.

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Magnus Berg saw the collision at the high school in central Gothenburg - come along to the scene in the clip and hear the witness tell about the shocking event.

Photo: Elin Schwartz/SVT