In Skurup at the driveway to the E65, Mia Christensson (V) discovered on Sunday that eight posters had been pulled out of the ground.

It was the Left Party, the Social Democrats and one of the Sweden Democrats that were sabotaged.

- We have piled them down so they can't blow away.

You get really sad and it's tiring because it takes a lot of time to set them up, she says.

The moderates in Skurup have chosen not to put up their election posters yet due to the risk of sabotage.

- We have been waiting for it and they will probably be set up this weekend, says Åsa Ekblad (M).

Hit posters in Hörby - sabotage in Hässleholm

In Hörby, two of the Moderates' election posters have been run over by what Anders Malmgren (M) thinks is a motor vehicle.

Other parties' posters have been sabotaged at, among other things, the cemetery, the bus station and in Osbyholm.

- It is sad that people have no respect for democracy and leave them alone, says Anders Malmgren.

Even in Hässleholm municipality, sabotage has taken place and something the party members have in common is that they think it is important to help each other by picking up posters that are down or announcing sabotage.

- If you can help, you should do it, we are not enemies to each other, says Hans Frank (L) Hörby.

SVT Nyheter has also reported on sabotage in Helsingborg, where the damage is more extensive than ever.

In Helsingborg, Alexander Svensson (M) and Mickey Magnusson (S) are helping to raise the overturned center sign.

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Alexander Svensson (M) and Mickey Magnusson (S) help to raise the overturned center sign.

Photo: Klara Åkesson/SVT