Louise Sallé, edited by Laura Laplaud 1:54 p.m., August 23, 2022

For its back-to-school press conference, the SNUipp-FSU denounced the use of contract workers to make up for the lack of teachers in schools.

The Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye had promised a teacher in each class at the start of the school year.

But as D-Day approaches, there are still thousands of teachers missing.

A teacher in each class?

The promise of the Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye will certainly not be kept.

As the start of the new school year approaches, 4,000 positions are still not filled.

"We are working in conditions that are not optimal," he admitted Tuesday morning during his trip to the rectorate of Créteil.

"In the long term, the central question of recruitment and the attractiveness of the teaching profession remains open and it must be answered structurally by increasing the recruitment of tenured teachers", he added.

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Contract workers "do not have the required skills"

During his trip, the main primary union, the SNUipp-FSU held its back-to-school press conference in Saint-Ouen.

The shortage of teachers was obviously on everyone's lips since nearly 1,700 vacant teacher positions were identified after the competitions.

"The recruitment of contract workers cannot make up for this shortage in the long term", according to Guislaine David, spokesperson for SNUipp-FSU.

"Contract workers are recruited at a license level. They have not received training, a Master 2 like trainees or teachers who are starting their careers, so they do not have the required skills, the qualification to teach, they will most certainly have to improvise and train themselves to be able to carry out their mission," she said.


- Back to school: first test for the Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye

Raising wages is "insufficient"

Raising salaries to 2,000 euros net per month for teachers at the start of their careers could be a solution to boost the attractiveness of the profession as proposed by the government, but for the union, this remains insufficient.

“Currently, to receive 2,000 euros net per month, a teacher must wait 15 years of seniority so we know that the shortfall is enormous!”

continues Guislaine David.

"We have to review all the careers, it is not understandable that some careers are at 2,000 euros when after 10-15 years of seniority, we do not reach that figure", exclaims- she.

Nevertheless, the start of the new school year will be more serene than in the past two years since the “base” level, the lowest level, of the health protocol has just been declared.

No restrictions will be put in place for physical activities.