- In political contexts, the climate issue is often reduced to just nuclear power, and that is unfortunate, says Pär Holmgren, one of the Green Party's three EU parliamentarians.

He believes that the energy issue will be one of the more important in this year's election.

- We will have periods in the winter where electricity will be expensive, he says.

In the long term, reduce the number of reactors

The opposition to nuclear power is in the Green Party's DNA, and Pär Holmgren does not want to go so far as to think that the most recent closures of nuclear power were bad decisions.

- In the long term, we want the number of nuclear power plants to decrease, but the reactors that we closed would have been competitive at today's prices,

so today that nuclear power would not have been taken off the market.

Solar energy the future

On the spot when one of the party's EU parliamentarians visited the city was, of course, Eva Goes, one of MP's founders and for a long time a tone-setting profile in the party.

Photo: Pierre Ragnehag

Pär Holmgren and MP now want to see more energy efficiency improvements - and continued investment in other energy sources.

- In just a decade or so, solar energy and solar heating will become significantly more efficient and significantly cheaper, and this means that the enormously expensive investments that nuclear power requires will not pay off with the long time horizons it has, Holmgren believes.