During a three-year period, Luleå municipality will reduce the mowing of grass areas to benefit biodiversity.

Grassy areas around Luleå are instead transformed into meadows where flowers are allowed to grow freely.

This is to help insects such as butterflies, bumblebees and other pollinators.

- It is really important because meadows are so incredibly species-rich and many of these species are threatened, says Sofia Hagsand.

"Don't cut too much at home"

Many species are particularly specialized in individual flower species such as bluebells and daisies.

Therefore, green areas should be allowed to exist in both residential areas and meadows.

Because it makes a big difference to biodiversity.

- A perfectly cut green lawn is a desert, nothing can live there.

So save areas you don't use and mow less often and it will do you good, says Sofia Hagsand.