Anneberg's preschool was built on forest land so that there would be animals in the area was not unexpected.

But the fact that the vipers entered the preschool's large yard was a bit too much, even though no student has been bitten.

A snake exterminator was hired and a search of the farm was carried out.

It could be established that the vipers did not live on the site but probably used it as a transport route, which meant that a so-called shell protection was expected to have an effect.

Shell protection should prevent viper visits

Now pretty much the entire fence around the preschool has been fitted with the shell protection, an extra fence that is dug into the ground and extends a bit above the regular fence.

In addition, hollows were filled in and grass cut down to prevent the unwelcome guests.

This year only one snake has been discovered.

In the video, the preschool's principal Eeva Barth talks about the viper problem and the solution, and you hear the preschool students Oscar, Hillevi and Eva tell if they are afraid of snakes and what to do if you see one.