Over half of all municipalities in Sweden are male-dominated.

Not much has happened since the election in 1994. The average percentage of female members of the municipal council was then 42.5 percent.

Now the percentage of candidates running for the 2022 election is 42.8 percent on average.

But there are municipalities that stand out in the statistics.

One of them is Vilhelmina, where the percentage of women in the municipal council is 52.2 percent.

- These are pleasing numbers and you feel warm in the heart, says Annika Wibrell (S).

"Many female predecessors"

Between the 2010 and 2014 elections, the percentage of female members in the Vilhelmina municipal council increased from 45.7 percent to 55.6 percent.

- We have many female predecessors and you get role models in politics.

We have also worked during this mandate period to create a better climate within the municipal council where people should be able to respect each other and have a better language, says Marita Stinnerbom (C), chairman of the municipal council in Vilhelmina.

See more in the clip above.