Has this universe ever existed before, and is there a succession of universes, and does this have a beginning?

These questions occupied the minds of cosmologists, and some of them proposed what is known as the “return universes” theory, which requires the succession of universes one by one without beginning or end.

But two astrophysicists - from the University at Buffalo, USA - suggested in new research that the theory of the rebound universes faces a big problem that necessitates that there be a beginning of time, which threatens the stability of the theory before scientists' scrutiny in the future.

Regardless of what has been said about the origin of the universe in the heavenly religions, these scholars and these academic studies are not based on research, studies and hypotheses for anything related to religions and beliefs.

rebound universes

The idea of ​​the "bounce universes" (the bouncing universe) suggests that there is not only one universe (the one we live in), but there was another universe before this universe, and there will be another universe after it, and so the chain of universes extends endlessly in the past and future, when one of the universes ends Another new universe begins.

This means that the Big Bang is not the point that represents the beginning of the universe, but rather the point at which the previous universe that collapsed on itself ended, and the new universe began.

During the past few decades, the theory of the rebound universes has found acceptance among a team of cosmologists, because it solves a problem that has long kept them awake, which is the point of the Big Bang itself, as there is no physical model that can explain the existence of a point that contains all this amount of energy that produces an entire universe, and therefore The solution is for that energy to be the result of the collapse of a previous universe, and thus the universes extend without beginning or end, to exchange energy between them.

The theory of rebound universes suggests that there is a universe before the universe we are in, and there will be a universe after it (communication sites)

The beginning of time

But in a new paper published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Will Kenny and Nina Stein of the University at Buffalo say that the rebound universes model has a problem. It has to have a head start.

The researchers based on a problem faced by the theory of rebound universes, which is that the resulting universe from a previous universe must contain a greater proportion of entropy, which is defined as a measure of chaos in a physical system.

According to the new study, if we stretch the lines straight towards the past, this will mean less entropy in each previous universe, which means that there is a zero point in the deep past at which the regressive universes begin.

And through new mathematical proofs, the two researchers indicated that previous attempts by scientists to solve this problem failed, which leaves us in front of one solution, which is that there is a beginning of the rebound universes.

According to a press release issued by the University at Buffalo, the idea of ​​a point in time when there was nothing bothers researchers, they are always looking for “before” things, but the new study indicates that there will always be a point where there is no answer to the question “What came?” Before that?".