Elodie Goulesque 11:03 a.m., August 10, 2022

Prince Philip's will will remain shrouded in secrets.

British justice on Thursday rejected the appeal of the "Guardian", who contested the fact that his last wishes are sealed for 90 years.

The wills of more than 30 members of the monarchy have been kept secret since 1910, according to the newspaper, while British law requires everyone's last wishes to be made public.

It will be necessary to wait at least 90 years before knowing the will of prince Philip, who died last April.

It will indeed be under seal until 2111. It is therefore impossible for the public to know its contents.

A decision that annoys the British leftist press.

The daily

The Guardian

has therefore decided to appeal in particular in order to be able to estimate the fortune of the royal family, whose lifestyle is partially financed by the taxpayer.

The newspaper's request rejected by the courts

Since 1911, the wills of 33 members of the royal family have never been revealed, whereas in the United Kingdom, these documents are automatically made public, in particular in order to limit fraud.

The Guardian

is challenging the decision to keep Prince Philip's will private.

A choice made during a secret hearing which the media could not attend.

But the newspaper's request was rejected by the courts.

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A fortune estimated at 220 million euros

The Court of Appeal justifies its decision in order to preserve the dignity and privacy of the royal family.

The Guardian

estimates the fortune of the Windsors at more than 220 million euros.

London and the so-called European burlesque.