There are things that Peter Postleb cannot ignore.

A littered house entrance in the station district, for example.

"Condition for weeks!

Doesn't anyone see that?" asks the former head of the Clean Frankfurt staff unit, once known as the "garbage sheriff", on Twitter and, as he often does, posts the corresponding picture.

That leaves another Twitter user asking: Didn't he even take a job as a consultant for cleanliness with Mayor Peter Feldmann (SPD)?

Bernhard Biener

Editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung

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In fact, the mayor appointed Postleb, who retired from regular municipal service in 2013 for reasons of age, as "Special Representative for Cleanliness and Order" on July 1, 2020.

At a time when the consequences of the first Corona year with its lockdowns and exit restrictions became visible.

As soon as it became possible, people pushed outside onto meadows and squares - and left behind mountains of rubbish.

Today, however, Postleb no longer feels responsible and makes it clear on Twitter that he ended the consulting contract at the end of 2021.

"Out of frustration!" Unfortunately, his suggestions for improvement were gathering dust in some urban drawer.

"In any case, I'm assuming that's the case," says Postleb in a personal conversation.

After all, there were never any queries or statements from the disposal company, the regulatory office or the city police regarding his detailed proposals.

Feldmann presented Postleb's first interim report in September 2020 and used it to accuse the head of the regulatory department at the time, Markus Frank (CDU), of "wrong prioritization", which is why he was responsible for the littering and "neglect" in parts of the city.

A scandal broke out when the mayor forbade the head of the regulatory affairs department, then part of the three-party coalition of CDU, SPD and Greens, from making a statement in the city council meeting.

Postleb says that the interim report that was made public did not stop there.

He submitted further interim reports and finally a final report at the end of 2021.

But they were never published.

Since he hadn't heard anything and there was apparently no longer any interest in his work, he stopped working as a consultant.

The mayor took good note of his suggestions.

The reaction from the departments could also have failed because the reports were apparently not passed on to everyone.

Apart from that, Postleb is not exactly popular with some of his former colleagues because of his criticism of the grievances in the city.

In his own words, the former head of the department, who has since worked as a freelance consultant, still had many suggestions on how to deal with old and new hot topics from the station district to the party scene on the Nordend squares.

One would only have to look in a municipal drawer.