Mathieu Priore, edited by Laura Laplaud 07:32, August 08, 2022, modified at 07:33, August 08, 2022

Two children were violently hit on Friday evening by a man on a motorcycle who was engaged in an urban rodeo in Pontoise.

The individual, who presented himself to the police station the next day and admitted the facts, will be presented during the day before the Pontoise prosecutor's office.

This drama once again highlights the dangers of this practice.

Two children aged 10 and 11, who were playing in front of their home, were violently hit on Friday evening by a motorcycle during an urban rodeo in Pontoise in the Val-d'Oise.

The driver of the machine, a young man of 18, went to the police station the next day and admitted the facts.

It will be presented this Monday before the Pontoise public prosecutor's office.

This phenomenon, more and more widespread, since the beginning of April, 534 interventions have been recorded for urban rodeo in this department, worries the authorities.

"A feeling of revolt"

The little girl, whose vital prognosis is engaged, presents "a head trauma".

The little boy suffered from several fractures.

This drama once again highlights the dangers of these urban rodeos.

"It's a feeling of revolt. We're starting to have overflows and I'm afraid that these two children are only the beginning. We have to go back to basics: a fault, a punishment", launches François Daoust, assistant to the security of the Pontoise town hall, exasperated.

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“Lightning is likely to fall on them”

The concern is also felt on the side of the police.

"Today, the penalty provided for in the criminal code is one year's imprisonment, except that it is never awarded against these offenders", regrets François Bersani, spokesman for the union Unit SGP Police Île- de-France, who asks for more severity.


- Wild urban rodeo: are the police powerless against this phenomenon?

"There must be a shock! It must be explained to offenders who continue to lend themselves to this crime, that lightning risks falling on them and lightning is the certainty of the sanction", he continues.

François Bersani recommends the installation of additional surveillance cameras and the systematic destruction of vehicles used during rodeos.