Regarding the cabinet reshuffle on the 10th and the appointment of the Liberal Democratic Party's officers, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hagiuda said at a press conference after the cabinet meeting on the 8th that he will fulfill his duties as a minister, amidst a mountain of important issues such as decarbonization and energy policy. He indicated that he wanted to continue.

In this, Minister Hagiuda commented on his treatment of the cabinet reshuffle and the appointment of LDP executives, saying, ``Ultimately, it will be decided by Prime Minister Kishida, who is the appointee, but I served as Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry for a year, and the other day, GX = Minister in charge of implementation and promotion of Green Transformation has also been appointed."

On top of that, he said, ``With important projects such as oil and natural gas development projects in Sakhalin, power supply and demand problems, and the release of treated water accumulated at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the sea, it is natural that we should continue. I would like to leave the final decision to the Prime Minister, but I will continue to do my utmost to advance the economic and industrial administration, which has earned the trust of the Prime Minister. I want to go," he said, showing his recognition that it is desirable to continue his duties as a minister.