In the Jeju-Incheon primary to elect the Democratic Party's next party leader, Rep. Lee Jae-myung won a landslide victory with more than 70% of the votes.

Rep. Lee recorded 70.48% of the votes in the second day of the regional round held in Jeju on the morning of the 7th.

Rep. Park Yong-jin was second with 22.49%, and Rep. Kang Hoon-sik was followed with 7.03%.

In the afternoon held in Incheon, Rep. Lee won 75.40%.

Rep. Park received 20.70%, and Rep. Kang recorded 3.90%, respectively.

In yesterday's Gangwon-Daegu-Gyeongbuk primary elections, Rep. Lee maintained overwhelming first place for the second day after receiving 74.81% of support.

The cumulative vote rate for the two days was 74.15% for Rep. Lee, followed by 20.88% for Park and 4.98% for Kang.