Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán Viktor attended the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and delivered a speech in Davos, Texas, USA on August 4.

Orban declared that the West was in a "clash of civilizations".

  According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) report on August 5, Orbán won "warm applause" at the conservative political action conference in Texas.

  As a right-wing politician, Orbán is often "amazing".

Orban lashed out at the "mixing" of European and non-European races when he delivered a speech in Baile Tusnad, Romania, on July 23, according to the British "Guardian".

A country where Europeans and non-Europeans are mixed "is no longer a country," Orban said, adding that "we (Hungarians) are not biracial ... we do not want to be biracial".

This has drawn the ire of Hungarian opposition parties and European political circles.

  Orban did not directly respond to the above-mentioned turmoil when he spoke in Davos on August 4.

But Orbán declared himself as a "Christian political figure" could not be racist.

He also declared that those who thought he was racist or anti-Semitic were "simply idiots."

  "I can already foresee tomorrow's headlines: European far-right racists, anti-Semitic strongman, Putin's 'Trojan horse', speaking at conservative conferences," Orban said during his speech.

  Orban also criticized former US President Barack Obama, financial tycoon George Soros and all other "globalists" in his speech.

In his speech, Orban exaggerated threats from "Washington" and "Brussels" to "coordinate action", "face common challenges" and "take back these institutions".

  "You have two years to prepare," Orban also told American conservative attendees.

He was apparently referring to the 2024 US presidential election.

  Orban also quoted the Hungarian constitution in his speech, emphasizing that marriage is "established only between a man and a woman", which drew a standing ovation.

He also made sarcastic remarks aimed at the transgender community.

  Earlier, on August 2, Orban visited former US President Trump in the United States.

Trump said in a statement that "Orban is my friend."

On August 6, Trump will also speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

  The BBC commented that Orban, a right-wing politician, appears "lonely" in Europe, but has many friends in the United States.

According to the Associated Press, on May 19, dozens of prominent conservative figures from Europe, the United States and other places gathered in Hungary, making the American Conservative Political Action Conference held in Europe for the first time.

  The Associated Press noted that the conservative meeting in May reflected the deepening relationship between the U.S. right and the government of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

  Some American commentators are said to have warned American conservatives against adopting "anti-democratic tactics."

The Associated Press pointed out that Orban's 12 years in power have set back democratic systems for his so-called "illiberal democracy" claims, sparking controversy in the European Union, but his tough stance on immigration and sexual minority rights has His boycott of liberal pluralism has won praise from some on the American right.