A recent study issued by the Journal of Tourism Management showed that travel is a psychological treatment that may be beneficial even for people with dementia.

The researchers said that travel therapy is also beneficial for people with other mental health problems, through its effects on thinking, developing sensory experiences and developing positive psychological experiences.

Psychiatrist Tish Malone told the magazine (Free Well Mind), which specializes in mental health, that the study shows that the restructuring of your brain occurs when stimuli, the environment and people change.

She stated that sensory and cognitive stimulation is important for mental health, and that travel means a new environment and a different culture, and the doctor recommended making sure to choose places that meet the general needs of each person.

The triggers are comfort, exposure, and association with another culture, Malone said, before adding that "regardless of the reason for travelling, the mind must embrace the best that experience has to offer."

The study indicated that frequent travel can make life happier.

Travel boosts happiness hormones (unsplash)

sense of balance

"Traveling to new environments provides a social and emotional experience that boosts happiness hormones and leads to learning in ways that differ from the usual structure of our everyday environment," neuroscientist and clinical social worker Renta Weaver told the Free WellMind.

Weaver notes that there is already evidence that creative activity and experiences help stimulate the brain, and she points out how important it is to relax after work.

"How many of us are looking forward to the weekend?" she asked.

We all need ways to escape mentally and physically, our brain is always looking for a way to help us regain a sense of balance.”

Weaver believes that travel for a while may provide this mental or emotional escape, and that it "can also help us change our perspective and remind us that our problems are small compared to the magnitude of the world."

The neuroscientist stated that “in the absence of stimulating activities and experiences, our brain gets bored and falls asleep,” while the travel experience releases dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin, which lead to healing and making our bodies work well.