“Albin Kurti behaves like a tourist, he does not behave like a rational politician, he is completely unpredictable and no one supports him.

It gives hope that active diplomatic efforts are now directed at Pristina, but it cannot be ruled out that it will come to large-scale clashes, ”TASS quoted him as saying.

The deputy added that the situation could become "dramatic if Kurti does not come to his senses."

Earlier, Serbian media reported that air raid sirens sounded in the northern part of the unrecognized Kosovo - they, as well as shots, were reported by residents of the border area.

Later it became known that the police of the unrecognized Kosovo closed the Brnjak checkpoint in the north of the province.

It was also reported that special forces of the police of the unrecognized Kosovo moved out of Pristina to the north of Kosovo and Metohija.