What is the shortest way to reach Toulouse from Albi?

For cars and trucks, it's the A68 motorway.

A cyclist said to himself that he could also pass by there, last week.

It was on the hard shoulder that drivers spotted him Thursday evening pedaling his mountain bike, towing behind him a small trailer in which his belongings were located.

Warned, the gendarmes of the Toulouse motorized platoon arrested him near a toll barrier in Toulouse-Est, at the level of the commune of the Union.

The 25-year-old Irish cyclist told the military he was on a road trip.

They put him back on the right track.


Versailles: The cyclist arrested on the highway deemed inaccessible to a criminal sanction is interned

A man caught cycling on a highway in the Yvelines

  • Miscellaneous facts

  • Toulouse

  • Cyclist

  • Bike

  • Constable

  • Highway

  • Occitania