Region Värmland has reintroduced mandatory antigen testing of all patients who are admitted to find even those who are asymptomatic.

Last week, about 20 patients had covid-19.

Now that number has risen to just over 25, says Maria Berglund, who is also acting area manager for inpatient care in Värmland.

- It is spread throughout the county.

Sure, it's a pretty high figure, but we should also bear in mind that not everyone is in because of their covid, there may be just under ten who are in because of covid.

The others are really looking for something else but happen to have covid at the same time.

Since the general public is no longer tested for covid-19, it is difficult to say exactly how many Värmlanders are ill.

Maria Berglund can, however, state that "it is not over yet".

In the clip, she tells more about the spread of the infection and how it affects the healthcare staff's supply.