• TV The journalist Sonsoles Ónega leaves Telecinco and is already preparing a program for Antena 3

  • TV Who is Marc Calderó, the substitute for Sonsoles Ónega during the summer

Betrayal, dirty war, disloyalty, covert farewell...

the news of the departure of Sonsoles Ónega from Telecinco has been accompanied by all kinds of epithets that have revealed the discomfort with which Mediaset has experienced the signing of the journalist , one of the stars of the chain, by Atresmedia, the eternal rival.

The statement was published last Monday, after the broadcast of

It's already noon

, and fell like a bombshell.

In the corridors of Telecinco they are still recovering from the blow, because nobody knew anything.


purely labor decision

, normal in any other professional field and in a free market context, has thus become a soap opera that in circles close to the journalist and writer is experienced with some surprise and disgust.

Almost everything published is a lie, they lament.

"Neither has she negotiated behind the back of Mediaset nor has she betrayed anyone

. It is also not true that Atresmedia has gone to fish for the competition to do harm,

an offer was made to her,

because she is one of the most beloved presenters by the audience, and she He has accepted.

The surprise was that he was available...

but that was all," they point out.

There have been no negotiations for months or weeks

, as LOC has learned.

Everything was conceived in 48 hours.

Sonsoles made the decision to accept Atresmedia's offer the weekend prior to the statement on Monday, July 11.

Everything has been much more natural than the interpretations that have been published.

The journalist received a call from the network but thought they were going to talk to her about the screen adaptation of her latest novel,

A Thousand Forbidden Kisses

, edited by Planeta, the group's publisher, with whom she has published all of her literary work.

She was in for a real surprise when

she was offered a current affairs program

for the new season, a

project that is still shaping up

but has a time perspective.

They wanted her to take it.

She matured it during that weekend and valued it with her father,

Fernando Ónega

, and her sister Cristina, journalists like her and

the only ones who knew about her offer.

To know more


Ana Rosa Quintana reappears with a new image in a meeting with her classmates

  • Editorial: THE WORLD

Ana Rosa Quintana reappears with a new image in a meeting with her classmates

To know more


Joaquín Prat will be the substitute for Sonsoles Ónega at the head of It's already noon

  • Editorial: TRESB

Joaquín Prat will be the substitute for Sonsoles Ónega at the head of It's already noon

To know more


Sonsoles Ónega: his son's illness, his friendship with Queen Letizia and his father's inspiration


Sonsoles Ónega: his son's illness, his friendship with Queen Letizia and his father's inspiration

The two had it very clear and they pushed Sonsoles to accept.

"I had no doubt

, it is a unique opportunity that has presented itself to him at a perfect moment in his career, at the age of 45. He called me very nervous to tell me about it and I told him that,

professionally, he had no choice but to accept

because it is an

offer of those that only appear once in your life

and it would be suicidal not to do it, "says

Fernando Ónega

(75) to LOC.

Because of him, Sonsoles ended up studying journalism, although

he didn't like it at first



, the eldest, had also followed in his footsteps-she is the director of TVE's Canal 24 Horas-and thought that two journalists were enough.

She tried to dissuade her.

"I told her, Sonsoles, daughter, three is already too much concentration of risks, but they called me from the school to tell me that

I was causing trauma to the girl.

And I already gave up, of course," she says.

Today, when he already declares himself "retired" from the profession, he could not be more proud of both of them.

His father and sister were clear about it, but Sonsoles too, from the beginning, although

the decision to leave Telecinco, where he has worked for 14 years, has been "very hard", they

say in his environment.

"It has been his chain for a long time, there he has learned a lot and also leaves a lot of friends," they add.

But they regret that

they have not allowed him to say goodbye to the audience

or to his companions.

When he closed the program on Monday, with the commented gesture of putting his hand to his heart - "something he had already done a million times before", they emphasize - he went to Paolo Vasile's office to

personally inform him that he was leaving.

She was willing to continue until the end of the season.

She did not negotiate or pretend to receive a counteroffer

, as LOC has learned.

They didn't talk about money either.

The decision was made

and the CEO of Mediaset received it with surprise and disgust


"Vasile Sonsoles loved it, he was very happy with it",

Telecinco sources assure.

She was one of the crown jewels and was even seen as a possible long-term replacement for

Ana Rosa Quintana


It was also hard for her to say goodbye because she is

very grateful to the network,

where she has developed her career since 2008, when she joined news services to cover

parliamentary information


Her contract was linked to Telecinco and not to

Unicorn Content

, the producer of Ana Rosa Quintana, in charge of starting

Ya es noon


In Unicorn, the departure of Sonsoles has not gone down well either.

She, meanwhile, is focused on

finalizing the details of her seventh novel

, set in Galicia in 1900, which she will deliver to Planeta on a date.

She has written it in her spare time, combining writing with

It's already noon

and It's already


, the program that was broadcast until June 23 and was withdrawn from the grid for not reaching the planned audience goals.

She is also enjoying her children


Yago and Gonzalo

, whom she now hugs much more, while she rearranges herself to face her new stage on Antena 3. Little is known about the program: it

will be current

, it will probably contain a social chronicle and it will be evening , although nothing is closed because it is still being outlined.

The only sure thing is her.

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  • Telecinco

  • Mediaset