LKAB wants the Supreme Court to address the issue of a renewed environmental permit for the company's Kiruna operations, according to a submitted appeal.

It was in mid-June that the Supreme Land and Environmental Court rejected the mining giant's line, referring to the fact that LKAB's invitation to consultations did not meet the standard.

- It is extremely frustrating that a dissenting court finally chose to reject our appeal.

We can not have an environmental assessment which means that the focus of the assessment is on formalities and process details, instead of environmental and societal benefits, said Niklas Johansson, LKAB's director of communication and climate, then.

LKAB, which has spent several years and around SEK 100 million on the application, is now making one last legal attempt to get it granted.

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What happens next in the mining issue?

In the video, SVT's Hans Sternlund explains some of the most important questions about LKAB's rejected application for the Kiruna mine.

Photo: Hanna Franzén, TT / Hans Sternlund, SVT