what are the reasons for lower-back pains?

How do you get rid of it?

What are the causes of lower back pain in women?

What are the causes of the upper back?

And what is its treatment?

Low back pain is common and is associated with the sensation of acute pain in the lower part of it, but how can this pain be alleviated and an end to feeling it frequently?

Causes of lower back pain

There are causes of lower back pain that can affect anyone of any gender.

Some of the more common causes include:


One of the most common causes of lower back pain is muscle or ligament strain.

It could be caused by:

  • Frequent weightlifting, according to a report in Healthline.

  • Excessive bending or twisting, according to a report in Healthline.

  • sudden movement

  • Muscle or ligament strain


Sciatica is a symptom caused by pressure or injury to the sciatic nerve, which is the longest nerve in the body, and this nerve travels from the bottom of the spine through the buttocks and down the back of your legs.

Sciatica causes a burning or shock-like pain in your lower back.

It usually extends down one leg.

In severe cases, you may also have numbness and weakness in the leg.

Herniated disc

A herniated disc occurs when one of the discs that support your vertebrae becomes compressed and bulges out.

This can eventually lead to a ruptured disc.

The pain is caused by the bulging disc pressing on the nerve.

A herniated disc can also be caused by an injury.

And it becomes more likely as you get older.

The lower back is the most common location for a herniated disc, but it can also occur in your neck.

Disc degeneration

As you age, the discs in your spine can begin to wear away.

Degeneration can also occur due to injuries or repetitive motion.

Most people experience some chondral degeneration after the age of 40.

It does not always cause pain, but it can be very painful for some people.

Degeneration is most common in your neck and lower back.

The pain may extend to the buttocks and thighs and may come and go.

Dealing with lower back pain

There are exercises related to stretching the body in order to treat back pain, without specifying specific movements, because the situation differs from one patient to another, especially since any mistake in the exercise or not stretching in the correct way would lead to negative results.

And every stretch that does not enhance the feeling of pain is considered a useful exercise, as the French masseur, a specialist in physical therapy, Remy Rivier, warned that stretching exercises are primarily aimed at stretching the body, not to be a cause of pain.

You must also stretch and adjust the movements of your body according to what you feel, according to the writer Oude Teixeron, in her report published by the French magazine "Fam Actual".

Low back pain treatment

Placing something that provides you with warmth on the site of pain in the lower back can help treat it by reducing muscle contraction.

In this context, the writer presented several methods, most notably:

1- Use warm pads

It is available in pharmacies and easy to use, as it can be used on the lower back.

These adhesive bandages provide heating that can relieve pain, as it is enough just to put them in place.

2- Medical back belts that provide warmth

It helps relieve the tensions that are in the lower back.

If you suffer from chronic lower back pain, you should avoid:

1- complete rest

Despite the pain, it is recommended to continue to maintain activity and movement, which means that activity is the best treatment for chronic lower back pain.

2- Activities that increase the sensation of pain

That is, the pain caused by chronic lower back pain can be accompanied by a feeling of inability to move and difficulty in accomplishing some of the tasks required by our daily lives.

In this case, many patients prefer to avoid movement after the lower back pain intensifies, but the activity must be maintained, taking into account the pattern of these pains.

Which activities are suitable for lower back pain?

Almost all types of exercise are allowed for those suffering from lower back pain, but if the patient does it correctly without feeling pain.

On the other hand, some sports activities, such as running and tennis, can cause a further deterioration of the condition.

In this case, the patient should avoid practicing this type of sports in the event of a pain attack.

It is important to practice exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and the lower area regularly, as this reduces the risk of recurrent aches.

It is also recommended to exercise daily, in addition to swimming for those who feel that they are prone to lower back pain.

Who do we consult for lower back pain?

If the aches persist, you should first see your general practitioner, who will prescribe you analgesics and anti-inflammatories to relieve lower back pain, and doctors often recommend their patients to undergo massage sessions.

In addition, a physiotherapist or masseur who always conducts treatment should be consulted by specifying an assessment to guide the content of the session and relieve pain, as well as work to restore the patient's ability to move and be active.

It must be noted that the severity of lower back pain may vary from person to person, and it can continue to be felt from 4 to 6 weeks before it subsides.

The severity of the pain can range from a slight ache to severe aches and difficulty in some activities.

In the event of feeling disorders at the level of the back muscle that can lead to a loss of strength in the lower extremities, or nervousness such as loss of sensation, and sphincter muscle disorders, it is necessary to consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Does kidney disease cause back pain?

According to the clevelandclinic, you may feel kidney pain in your sides, back, abdomen or groin.

It is often confused with back pain.

Kidney pain can be caused by a kidney stone, kidney infection, injury, or kidney cancer.

Causes of lower back pain in women

premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

It is a condition that many women develop before their period, according to a report in Healthline.

It has many possible symptoms, and it is possible that not all of them will be experienced by women.

Symptoms generally include:

Physical symptoms, such as:

  • lower back pain

  • Headache

  • fatigue

  • puff

Emotional and behavioral symptoms such as:

  • Mood Swings

  • Cravings for food

  • worry

  • Difficulty concentrating

Premenstrual syndrome usually begins a few days before your period and ends within a day or two after your period begins.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a more severe form of premenstrual syndrome, in which symptoms significantly interfere with daily life.

Some women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder may have problems working when they have symptoms.

Fewer women have premenstrual dysphoric disorder than premenstrual syndrome.

The emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder are similar to those of premenstrual syndrome, however, all types of symptoms may be worse.

Symptoms usually start the week before your period and end a few days after your period starts.

You may be at increased risk of premenstrual dysphoric disorder if you have a family history of depression and other mood disorders, or have a family history of premenstrual depression.


Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue lining the uterus, known as endometrial tissue, grows outside the uterus.

It may cause lower back pain in women.

With endometriosis, this tissue often grows on the ovaries, fallopian tubes and other tissues lining the pelvis.

It may even grow around the urinary tract and intestines.

Pain is the most common symptom of endometriosis.

Other symptoms include:

  • Very painful menstrual cramps.

  • Pain during or after sex.

  • Lower back and pelvic pain.

  • Pain with bowel movements or urination when you have your period.

  • Endometriosis can also cause bleeding or spotting between periods.

    Digestive problems such as bloating and diarrhea can also be common, especially during your period.

    Endometriosis can make it difficult to get pregnant.


Very painful menstruation is known as dysmenorrhea, and it can lead to lower back pain.

Although it is usually manageable, it can be too severe for some.

You may be more likely to develop dysmenorrhea if you:

  • You are under 20 years old.

  • chimney.

  • You have heavy bleeding during your periods.

  • You have a family history of painful periods.

  • You have a condition such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or pelvic inflammatory disease.

  • The pain of dysmenorrhea is usually felt in the lower abdomen, lower back, hips, and legs.

    It usually lasts from one to three days.

    The pain can be mild or it may be like sharp pain.


Back pain is common during pregnancy.

This happens as your center of gravity changes, your weight increases, and your hormones relax your ligaments in preparation for childbirth.

For most women, back pain occurs between the fifth and seventh months of pregnancy, but it can start much earlier.

You are more likely to experience back pain during pregnancy if you already have lower back problems.

The most common place to feel pain is just below the waist.

You may also feel pain in the middle of your back, around your waist.

This pain may spread to your legs.

Home remedies for lower back pain

If your back pain is caused by menstrual conditions or muscle strain, you may want to try the following home remedies for lower back pain:

heating pad

A heating pad placed on your back can promote blood circulation, which in turn allows nutrients and oxygen to reach your back muscles.

warm bath

A warm bath can improve blood circulation and reduce muscle pain and stiffness.

Over-the-counter painkillers

Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin, can help relieve back pain and other types of menstrual pain.

Playing sports

Staying active can improve blood circulation and relieve muscle tension.

Gentle stretching

Regular stretching may help reduce lower back pain or prevent it from returning.

Put a bag of ice

If your back pain is the result of a muscle strain or injury, an ice pack may help reduce inflammation, pain, and bruising.

Ice packs work best for the first 48 hours of muscle strain or injury.


Placing a pillow between your knees if you sleep on your side or under your knees if you sleep on your back may help relieve back pain and discomfort.

Good lumbar support

Using a chair with good lower back support may help relieve back pain when sitting.

Medical treatments for lower back pain

The treatment options your doctor prescribes may include:

  • muscle relaxants;

  • cortisone injections.

  • Hormonal birth control pills for endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

  • Antidepressants, which may relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and also help with certain types of back pain.

  • Surgery for severe endometriosis, which involves removing endometrial tissue from areas where it has grown outside the uterus.

  • Surgery to repair discs.

upper back pain

Upper back pain can occur anywhere between the base of the neck and the bottom of the rib cage.

Upper back pain may be caused by injuries or fractures, poor posture, disc problems or other problems, such as arthritis.

Those with moderate to moderate upper back pain can manage their symptoms at home, according to the Cleveland Clinic website.

What is upper back pain?

Upper back pain (and mid-back pain) occurs anywhere from the base of your neck to just below your rib cage.

Your upper and middle back is called the thoracic spine, which contains 12 small bones called vertebrae.

Your vertebrae make up your spine.

Upper back pain is not as common as neck pain or lower back pain.

This is because the bones in your upper back don't move or flex as much as the bones in your neck and lower back.

The bones in your upper back work with your ribs to keep your back stable.

They work together to help protect vital organs in your body including your heart and lungs.

Causes of upper back pain

Upper back pain can be caused by many different medical conditions and injuries.

Conditions that may cause upper back pain include:

stress and sprain

إجهاد الظهر والالتواء السبب الأكثر شيوعا لآلام الجزء العلوي من الظهر. يمكنك إصابة العضلات أو الأوتار أو الأربطة برفع شيء ثقيل جدا أو بطريقة خاطئة.

الوضعية السيئة

يجد العديد من الأشخاص الذين يعانون من آلام الجزء العلوي من الظهر صعوبة في الوقوف بشكل مستقيم. قد تقف منحنيا وجذعك بعيدا عن الجانب بدلا من محاذاة عمودك الفقري.

مشاكل القرص

يمكن أن تنزلق الأقراص من موضعها في العمود الفقري وتضغط على العصب.


يمكن أن تنكسر عظام العمود الفقري أثناء وقوع حادث، مثل حادث سيارة أو سقوط.

التهاب المفاصل

الفصال العظمي هو النوع الأكثر شيوعا من التهاب المفاصل الذي يسبب آلام الظهر العلوية.

ماذا تشعر في آلام الجزء العلوي من الظهر؟

يصف الناس الشعور بآلام الجزء العلوي من الظهر بعدة طرق مختلفة. يصف البعض آلام الجزء العلوي من الظهر بالشعور بما يلي:

  • ألم حارق أو حاد.
  • شد أو تصلب العضلات.
  • ألم منتشر على طول العصب.
  • وخز أو تنميل أو ضعف.

علاج آلام الجزء العلوي من الظهر

سيعتمد علاجك على أسباب وأعراض الألم. يمكن للذين يعانون من آلام الجزء العلوي من الظهر المعتدلة إلى المعتدلة التحكم في أعراضهم في المنزل. يمكنك محاولة إدارة الأعراض الخاصة بك من خلال:

  • مسكنات الألم التي لا تستلزم وصفة طبية
  • كمادة دافئة لتقليل الألم والتيبس.
  • كمادة ثلج لتقليل الألم والتورم.
  • تدليك طبي.
  • الحصول على قسط وافر من الراحة.

ما الذي يمكن فعله منزليا لمنع أو تقليل آلام الظهر العلوية؟

هناك العديد من الطرق التي يمكنك من خلالها منع أو تقليل آلام الجزء العلوي من الظهر في المنزل. تشمل الطرق الإضافية ما يلي:

  • التمرين: يمكن أن تساعد على شد عضلات الظهر العلوية وتقويتها.
  • الوضعية الجيدة: قف واجلس منتصبا.
  • تقليل التوتر: جرب التنفس العميق أو تمارين الاسترخاء أو التأمل.

أفضل علاج لآلام أسفل الظهر

يعاني كل شخص من آلام أسفل الظهر الحادة المزعجة لمرة واحدة على الأقل في حياته، ويزول في 90% من الحالات في أقل من 4-6 أسابيع، وفقا لتقرير نشرته صحيفة "لوفيغارو" lefigaro الفرنسية، للكاتبة بولين فريور.

وفي تقريرها قالت فريور إن أفضل علاج لآلام أسفل الظهر -وهو العلاج الوحيد في الواقع الذي أثبت فعاليته علميا- هو النشاط البدني. وحسب البروفيسور جوليان نيزار، رئيس مركز الألم في مستشفى جامعة نانت، فإن "أسوأ ما يمكنك فعله هو الاستلقاء، لأنه يطيل الألم ويزيد من خطر الإجازة المرضية".

ويوصى البروفيسور بدلا من ذلك بالحركة قدر المستطاع أثناء الشعور بالألم وبمجرد زواله من خلال ممارسة تمارين التحمل (مثل السباحة والركض وركوب الدراجات وما إلى ذلك) لتجنب ظهور الألم من جديد.

According to the recommendations of the Supreme Authority of Health on this topic dating back to 2019, even if “no analgesic drug has been shown to be effective in the medium term in avoiding and preventing an acute attack of low back pain,” it does not prevent its use to relieve pain and resume activity faster.

Initially, experts recommend the use of paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen).