Good evening,

there are many small apartments, large ones are hardly ever built.

A professor has risen and after the summer holidays there will be a new school subject in Hesse, initially as a pilot project.

The overview at the end of the day with names and news from the region.

Jacqueline Vogt

Department head of the Rhein-Main editorial team of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

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Learn more:

The Hessian Minister of Education Alexander Lorz (CDU) presented a pilot project that is to start in the next school year on Monday: Around 1000 students at twelve secondary schools in the fifth grade will deal with digital applications in two additional and voluntary weekly hours.

The new subject will be called "Digital World" and will deal with the topics of computer science, economics and ecology in an interdisciplinary manner.

Around 70 classes at the twelve schools are taking part in the first phase of the project.

The lessons are not graded and are not relevant for promotion.

The Frankfurt Goethe University provides scientific support for the project.

The opposition in the Hessian state parliament criticizes the project.

FAZ employee Robert Maus reports.

Few rooms:

Do you have enough space at home?

If yes, then congratulations.

Many are different, especially families.

Although the construction cranes are turning all over the region, the living space that is created does not meet everyone's needs.

The high square meter prices in the metropolitan area mean that predominantly and increasingly small apartments are being built.

A company specializing in empirical studies has found this out: In Mainz, for example, twice as many large apartments were completed in the first half of the past decade as in the second half, and the proportion of apartments with four rooms and more in the total construction completions increased from 31 to 31 17 percent down.

The same trend can also be observed in Darmstadt, Offenbach and Wiesbaden.

More responsibility:

For the past four months, Arnd Steinmetz has been getting more business emails than before, but he doesn't suffer from them, he says, because he can now largely delegate answering.

Steinmetz is a pragmatic man, says FAZ editor Sascha Zoske, who knows the Darmstadt computer science professor.

Steinmetz, born in 1966, has been part of the management team at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences since 2013, most recently as Vice President for Digitization and Internationalization.

He has been at the head of the former technical college since April.

Zoske visited him in his office, he writes about the visit on the university page of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

And in addition

, a company has been founded in Hanau that wants to sell cannabis legally +++ the Verdi union called on Amazon employees at the Bad Hersfeld and Koblenz locations, among others, to go on strike;

Verdi demands the recognition of the collective wage agreement for retail and mail order and the conclusion of a collective agreement +++ the Croatian-German writer Jagoda Marinić receives the Luise Büchner Prize for journalism in November;

the prize, named after the women's rights activist and writer Luise Büchner (1821-1877), is awarded for texts that advocate gender equality.

With best regards from your editorial team

Jacqueline Vogt

You can also read current reports from the region in Skyline-Blick, our live news blog for the Rhine-Main region, and on the Rhein-Main-Zeitung website at



for Tuesday

Sometimes it's cloudy, sometimes the sun shines for a long time.

It will stay dry until evening.

Maximum temperatures around 32 degrees.

have birthday


Tuesday 12th July

Ernst Szebedits

, Chairman of the Wiesbaden Cultural Advisory Board, former Chairman of the Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Foundation, Wiesbaden (71);

Günter Woltering

, former managing director of the Hessian Parity Welfare Association (70);

Volker Mosbrugger

, President of the Polytechnic Society, Frankfurt, former Director General of the Senckenberg Society for Natural Research, winner of the Leibniz Prize and the Hessian Culture Prize (69);

Christof Schenck

, Managing Director of the Frankfurt Zoological Society (60);

Geert Hammink

, head coach at basketball club Fraport Skyliners, Frankfurt (53).