It was during the morning of June 10 this year that a hen house began to burn heavily in Fliseryd.

According to the police, it is believed that hundreds of thousands of chickens were in the stable when the fire raged.

Emergency services from five stations were on the scene and helicopters water-bombed the fire from above.

Shortly after the fire, the police conducted a technical investigation of the site.

- Our technicians came to the conclusion that no suspicions of crime can be linked to the fire.

We have not found any flammable liquids or signs of intrusion into the property, says police investigation leader Therese Bramhagen.

As the police did not find any evidence that a crime had been committed, the preliminary investigation was closed.

SVT has been in contact with the egg producer who does not want to comment on the incident.

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Dark smoke over the chicken coop that started burning on Friday.

Among other things, helicopters are used to fight the fire via water bombing.