[Explanation] On July 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot and killed in Nara Prefecture at the age of 67.

It has been nearly two years since he stepped down as Japanese Prime Minister. Why was Abe assassinated?

On the same day, when Hu Xijin, a senior current affairs commentator, was a guest at the Kuaishou live broadcast room of Chinanews.com, he said that although he has stepped down as prime minister, Abe still maintains a great influence in the Liberal Democratic Party.

  [Concurrent] Senior current affairs commentator Hu Xijin

  To assassinate a leader is a big deal in itself.

But Abe is no longer a leader, he is no longer a prime minister, but Abe maintains a strong influence in the Liberal Democratic Party, and the current Japanese government still buys his account, so the assassination of Abe is indeed still the case. It is very sensational, and it will have a certain impact on Japanese politics.

  [Explanation] It was seen in a live video that the perpetrator fired two shots in the back of Abe.

After the first shot, Abe looked back in the smoke, followed by the second shot, and Abe slowly fell to the ground after being shot.

Police revealed that the suspect had served in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces for three years, retired in 2005, and is currently unemployed.

Hu Xijin believes that to understand its motive and purpose, it is necessary to pay attention to whether there are other forces behind the perpetrator, and more details need to be further investigated by the police.

  [Concurrent] Senior current affairs commentator Hu Xijin

  (The perpetrator) was instructed by a certain organization. Although he appeared as an individual and committed the murder individually, he represented a political proposition and represented a force. Is this the case, or is he the only one?” "Lone wolf style", just because he has some kind of resentment against Abe, first of all, we must clarify these two (issues).

  [Commentary] Shinzo Abe is Japan's longest-serving prime minister and the youngest prime minister of Japan after World War II.

During his tenure, he proposed the "Abenomics" policy, which helped Japan get out of deflation to a certain extent.

After the shooting incident, the Japanese stock market and foreign exchange market were turbulent.

Will the assassination have an impact on the Japanese economy?

Hu Xijin believes that although it will have a negative effect on the Japanese economy as a whole, it will have a great impact on people and affect people's confidence, but the actual impact will not be too great.

  [Concurrent] Senior current affairs commentator Hu Xijin

  Japan's stock market, the Abe incident just happened today, the stock market jumped and fell, but then went back.

The data I saw in the afternoon came back later, so everyone doesn't think it should have a direct and huge impact on Japan's economy.

This incident in general makes people feel less about the stability and predictability of Japanese society.

  [Explanation] The Japanese cabinet meeting previously decided that the Senate election will be held on July 10.

Some analysts pointed out that this election is of great significance to maintaining the stability of Kishida's regime.

Mo Bangfu, a senior economic commentator traveling in Japan, believes that the assassination incident will not cause a big change in the election.

  [Concurrent] Mo Bangfu, a senior economic commentator in Japan

  There is no doubt about this election itself. Basically, the ruling party (the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan) will have an overwhelming advantage, so an accident like Abe will have a big change in the trend of the election. I think this possibility is also Not much.

In addition, there are only two days left in the election, and some sympathy votes may flow to the Liberal Democratic Party instead.

  [Commentary] Shinzo Abe has publicly expressed his desire to amend the pacifist constitution many times since he took office, and regards it as his lifelong political wish.

Hu Xijin believes that although Abe is no longer there, due to multiple factors, there is still room for the ideological trend of Japan's constitutional revision to continue to ferment.

  [Concurrent] Senior current affairs commentator Hu Xijin

  Japan's trend of thinking about constitutional revision is the period of least resistance from the United States, because the selfishness of the United States towards China is growing, and the United States will not increase resistance in this regard for a period of time, so There is still a trend of constitutional revision in Japan, and there is room for further ferment.

Of course, there are strong voices against the revision of the constitution in Japan, so there will be a game in Japan. Will there be a new character in this? I said that there will be a new character who promotes the revision of the constitution. is fully present.

  [Explanation] According to Japanese media reports, Shinzo Abe's funeral will be held on July 12.

  (Reported by reporter Shan Lu in Beijing)

Responsible editor: [Wang Kai]