It is not yet clear whether the European School can be located on the fairground at Ratsweg as planned by the Roman coalition.

"Before we make a decision, we have a lot of homework to do," said education and building department head Sylvia Weber (SPD) in the city parliament's planning committee.

This not only affects the question of whether the school's educational program can be accommodated in the small area next to the ice rink.

It must also be examined how the fairground can be relocated to an area currently used by the trade fair at Rebstockpark.

"We will develop a concept for this in discussions with the showmen and the fair," said Weber.

The local advisory board and the interests of local residents would also be involved.

Xenia Reinfels

Editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung

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In the meeting of the local advisory board 2 (Bockenheim, Westend, Kuhwald) on Monday evening, however, the members of the committee were frustrated.

According to their own statements, they had learned about the city's plans from the press.

The city must involve the committee or at least inform it, said Mayor Thomas Gutmann (The Greens);

"We are not the 'Ortsabnickrat'."

Operation on 270 days

In an application decided on Monday by the local advisory board 2, it is said that one does not want to “allow any festival site or additional commercial events on the Rebstock”.

The FDP and CDU, on the other hand, do not categorically reject the project.

It would be important to know whether the entire fairground with all its events - and thus operation 270 days a year - should move or just the Dippemess', said FDP parliamentary group leader Sophie Hartmann.

A well-developed concept is needed, added her parliamentary colleague Nathaniel Ritter.

The trade fair must "have the higher priority".

Daniel Brenner (The Greens) said the exhibition center should be open 150 days a year in the future.

In combination with fairground operation on 270 days, the load in the Rebstock local recreation area would be too great.

According to Weber, the head of the building department, the school location on today's fairground offers many advantages: the property is in a prominent location within sight of the ECB and has good transport links.

"The location offers great potential for the school, which wants to open up to the district." In addition, the area is already completely sealed, no intervention in nature is necessary.

This also applies to a new fairground on the Rebstock, which does not have to be completely asphalted.

"The showmen told me that this is only necessary for the roller coaster."

Albrecht Kochsiek (CDU) described the idea as "not particularly mature".

There are too many difficulties that it is not clear whether they can be overcome.

Holger Tschierschke (SPD), on the other hand, defended the considerations: "We have never been so close to a solution." He pointed out that the fairground on Ratsweg had to be renovated anyway.

"It will be expensive either way."