In the 2018 election, most Skinnskatteberg residents voted for the Social Democrats.

The party received 41.12 percent of the vote and also increased slightly compared to the 2014 election.

The Liberals continued to be the municipality's second largest party, but lost 8.39 percent compared to the previous election.

In addition, Landskrona took over as the Liberals' strongest stronghold in Sweden.

The Left Party and the Center Party also lost, while the Moderates' election results were more or less intact - seven more people chose to vote for them in 2018. 

Some who, however, increased significantly were the Sweden Democrats (by 11.49 percent) and thus became the third largest party in the municipality.

Municipal Council: "Extremely tough"

But to get a majority government proved difficult - the Social Democrats had talks with both L, C and V, but nothing worked.

It ended with the party being released to govern in the minority.

A situation that the current municipal councilor Lena Lovén Rolén (S) says this after four years:

- I will never serve another term in this way, it has been extremely tough.

So now the question is - who takes whom and forms a majority government after the election?

The municipality's second largest party has in any case set its sights on a change of power and has already begun to explore the terrain with three potential majority friends.

In the clip: Demands for a referendum, conflicts and violations of the Local Government Act - the term of office in Skinnskatteberg has been turbulent.