On June 30, local time, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said after meeting with Belarusian Foreign Minister Makei in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, that a new "Iron Curtain" has emerged, and this time the "Iron Curtain" was established by Western countries. .

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov

: As for the "Iron Curtain", I agree with Belarusian Foreign Minister Makei.

The "Iron Curtain" has appeared, and they (Western countries) themselves are careful not to make mistakes, but the process has already started.

  Lavrov said the EU had destroyed the overall relationship it had built with Russia over decades, and that Russia was still open to dialogue but would make decisions based on its own interests.

He said that from now on, Russia will not trust the Americans or the European Union, and will take all necessary measures so that Russia does not have to rely on them in key areas.

  Belarusian Foreign Minister Makei also said that the West has built the "Iron Curtain" by itself, and this isolationism is only a unilateral practice by the West.

Belarus has always advocated dialogue with the West and sought to solve problems through diplomatic channels.

  The term "Iron Curtain" is a product of the "Cold War" era in which the United States and the West confronted the Soviet Union.

Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said in a speech in 1946, "From Stettin in the Baltic Sea to Trieste in the Adriatic Sea, an Iron Curtain has fallen across the European continent."

Since then, the term "Iron Curtain" has been often used to describe the confrontation between the United States and the West and the Soviet Union.