It was the accident in Fukushima in 2011 that led the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority to appoint an inquiry into Swedish preparedness.

The investigation has now landed in a concrete result: Just over 22,000 households in Kalmar County are covered by the expanded emergency preparedness zone.

Iodine tablets and protective measures

Previously, just over 2,000 households were included in the emergency preparedness zone around OKG.

- Those who are now part of a contingency zone receive information at home, and iodine tablets.

It is a type of protective measure in the event of an accident.

Eventually, they will also get home RDS receivers, a kind of radio, says Erik Richardsen, administrator for crisis preparedness at the County Administrative Board in Kalmar County.

How has the response been?

- Some have been waiting for this, and think it is positive that you take a slightly larger area.

Many have looked over their home and thought about their home equipment.

It is an attentive public that absorbs information, says Erik Richardsen.

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See in the clip what the emergency preparedness zones look like at OKG, Forsmark and Ringhals.

Photo: SVT Grafik