A 44-year-old man appeared this Thursday before the judicial court of Compiègne (Oise) for death threats through an object.

He had placed a fake homemade bomb in a city square on February 23.

A municipal agent had discovered the machine and alerted the authorities, says

Le Courrier picard


The perimeter had been cordoned off and deminers had intervened.

The respondent explained at his trial that he fell into drugs and alcohol following a scam.

“I did something stupid to pass the time.

I did not want to scare, ”assured the forties.

A worrying fake bomb

No trace of radicalization had been found in him.

The prosecutor, however, considered that the dummy device resembled the homemade bombs of terrorist cases.

The defendant was sentenced to eighteen months in prison, 12 of which were suspended.

He will also have to take care of himself, find a job and carry out 175 hours of community service.

A fake bomb and a tag target a hospital director in Isère

After a fake bomb, a threatening letter found in front of the same school

  • Compiegne

  • Hauts-de-France

  • Conviction

  • Bomb

  • Justice