The eggs that overwinter are usually hatched in the spring, but a cold spring caused the eggs to be delayed and hatched later than usual.

At the same time, we have had a warmer early summer, which means that the high summer mosquitoes have emerged.

- The eggs have hatched at the same time, which means that we feel that there are a lot of mosquitoes right now, says Anders Lindström, a researcher at the Swedish Veterinary Institute, SVA.

Bits more in the heat

Mosquitoes thrive best in cool and humid climates.

When it is hot, mosquitoes become more active and sting more often.

- Mosquitoes attract people through smell and when it is very hot we are more lightly dressed and smell more, so they attract people more easily, says Anders Lindström researcher at SVA.

Can the midsummer heat wave kill the mosquitoes?

- Hear Anders Lindström explain in the clip above.