• Rocío Carrasco, her sister Gloria Camila, some sugar cubes and the lawyers

Rocío Carrasco

will have to face

her son in court,

as reported by


magazine in its written edition on Wednesday.


, the appeal that

the Carrasco legal office presented against the complaint filed by

Antonio David Flores

against his ex

for non-payment of pension

has been dismissed by the judicial authority.

In this way, Rocío will have to appear in court and come face to face with her son

whom she has not seen since June 23, 2016,

months before her wedding with Fidel Albiac, to which the young man did not attend.

A drought of meetings that was only broken in July 2017,

also in court,

and in which she could not approach her son, according to what she has told in her recent television appearances.

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Rocío Carrasco blames her uncles Amador and Gloria for her parents' divorce

  • Writing: MARTA CORBAL

Rocío Carrasco blames her uncles Amador and Gloria for her parents' divorce

Thus, after the dismissal of the appeal by the judges at the request of Carrasco's lawyers, as reported by the aforementioned header,

there would be no recourse to this last decision

, so mother and son will have to face each other in a court.

How could it be otherwise, the requirements by the prosecution are once again an

analytical study,

since they are the reason why Rocío will have to bite the bullet despite the fact that, as she herself has stated, her son he did not return to her of his own free will

but encouraged by his father.

David Flores Carrasco, son of Rocío, with his aunt, Gloria Camila.GTRES

According to Antonio David's lawyers, although the young man lives with his father and is of legal age, David is "economically dependent", which is why

his mother would be obliged to pay him 200 euros a month

as alimony, since his son little boy stopped living with her.

This is an amount that Rocío would never have paid,

failing to comply with the sentence

issued in 2018 in which the payment of the amount set by the judge was required.

Carrasco and his son, in 2014, in one of the last photos of them together. GTRES



that since that day has been a source of controversy since, immediately, Rocío, through her legal office,


the complaint alleging different reasons

such as defenselessness on her part.

Not only that, Carrasco requested a

report on the young man's abilities in

addition to relying on the in dubio pro reo principle (doubts about the defendant's guilt) to dismiss the process.

Some movements that finally and as this latest information shows have not borne good fruit for Rocío.

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  • Rocio Carrasco

  • Justice