The whole world knows Johnny Depp as an actor, director and film producer, but he has never hidden his artistic aspirations in the field of music, and moreover, the former Pirates of the Caribbean star has returned to his old passion for fine art, and he recently unveiled a campaign entitled "Don't be afraid of the truth." ".

Depp returned to art through a series of self-portraits.

It seems that there is more than one interpretation of this campaign and its title, and part of its importance is Deeb's desire to sell his paintings and release them in the world of plastic art, especially as he promotes the campaign on various communication platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Tik Tok, and there is a deeper meaning to the title of the series that appears in conjunction with Deeb's gain for his judicial battle. With Amber Heard.

"For many years I stayed away from showing my paintings, because I respect art a lot and I don't like to put myself in this world just because people know me as an actor, I didn't like it and it didn't suit me," says Deeb.

Drawing portraits of friends and people who collaborated with him, as well as paintings inspired by his children, Depp hopes to create an art community for artists to share online, and he plans to support Great Ormond Hospital for Children in the UK and another in Los Angeles, by selling these paintings while appearing as Captain Jack Sparrow as part of the publicity, especially since it seems as if there is a real professional transformation that will occur in Depp's life towards painting, after he had enough time for his new project.

Deeb confirmed in an interview that he will not quit acting, but will move away from the cinema a little, and devote himself to painting, and at the same time he will not refuse any cinematic roles that he feels are important.

Depp's artistic style is a mixture of pop and street art, with images of American popular culture figures in vibrant colours.

He says they are reflections of the individual's personality as he sees it, and has decided to release non-repeatable digital copies of his paintings featuring Marlon Brando, Elizabeth Taylor, Huntras, Depp's late dog, as well as a fictional character called Banneman created by his son.

And he decided to sell those paintings via blockchain technology.

How did the truth change Deb's life?

Depp wrote on his Twitter page how the truth changed his life, and here is the key to choosing the title of the series of paintings with which he began his life as a professional painter: “Six years ago my life, my children and those close to me changed, as well as the lives of the people who supported and believed in me for many years forever. It all happened in the blink of an eye. False and dangerous allegations and criminal charges were brought against me through the media, which led to an endless barrage of hateful abuse, even though no charges were brought against me.”

He added, "These accusations had a violent effect on my personal and professional life, and now, after 6 years, the jury has given me back my life. I decided to continue despite the obstacles, and my goal from the start was to reveal the truth, regardless of the outcome. I owed the truth to my children and to all those who remained steadfast. for their support. I feel at peace because I finally did."

— Never Fear Truth (@JohnnyDeppNFT) June 1, 2022

Online platform "Don't be afraid of the truth"

Deeb created an electronic platform to sell his paintings after converting them into non-replaceable digital paintings, because non-fungible items are unique and cannot be copied.

Digital sources for paintings and art are an effective way to verify the authenticity of a work of art, without the need for art experts to determine whether a piece is authentic.

It is estimated that up to 20% of paintings owned by museums are not original, and if there is a record of the painting’s source on the Blockchain, the source of the artwork can always be verified and unauthorized copies cannot be created, but like any new technology it appears from It is impossible to predict the ways in which developers, creators and companies will use this technology.