Hear the project manager Daniel Karlsson about the thoughts after the act in Oslo.

The shooting in Oslo, which took place during the midsummer night almost a week ago, is being investigated as a suspected terrorist crime.

After the incident, the police advised against holding pride events in the country.

First out

In western Sweden, Borås Pride is only out after the act, but there is no doubt that the event will be held as planned.

- It is mixed feelings that have come to us, many are appalled and cursed, some are worried.

But we feel safe, we have a well-established collaboration with the police.

We have always had a high sense of security, says Daniel Karlsson.

"More motivated"

During the week, more exhibitors have been added and this year's festival will be larger than before.

- I think many feel that they want to show their support.

We feel even more motivated by this.

Pride is more important than ever.